Before We Had A Chocolate Factory

With a popular new "chocolatey" movie out recently, we thought it would be a good opportunity to share the origin story of our very own "chocolate factory" owner; Chris.
The story of Enjoy! begins with our founder, Chris Crutchley - a man on a mission to open up the joy of eating fabulous chocolate to as many people as possible, regardless of dietary needs.
To Chris, enjoying chocolate is one of life’s greatest pleasures and should never be compromised. Unable to eat mainstream confectionery for years due to dairy, soya and refined sugar intolerances, he was despondent at facing “a life of misery” without chocolate! Free From products either tasted unpleasant or he reacted to them.
Chris decided to make his own.
As an engineer, Chris approached the challenge methodically, analysing ingredients and processes. In 2014, after months of wreaking havoc experimenting in the home kitchen (and near divorce according to wife Steph!), he finally created a great-tasting dark chocolate bar his body could tolerate. When tested on friends and family, it satisfied not only those with tricky food issues but also discerning chocolate lovers.

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Chris had overturned the typical perceptions of Free From and Vegan chocolate.

After discovering his talent for chocolate alchemy, Chris sought investment and Enjoy! was born. We found the professional expertise of Tyrone, our Michelin star trained chocolatier, and expanded our range. Enjoy! moved from kitchen top to our own allergen-free facility in Hampshire. Our scale changed but our principles didn’t.

Founders Chris and Steph are still at the chocolate helm and remain true to their mission: fabulous Free From treats to be enjoyed by all. They still love seeing the surprise on people’s faces when they’re told that simplicity is behind the great taste. Until you taste it, our chocolate sounds too good to be true!

Our story continues. We  continue to explore different taste experiences to bring new products to market, and are committed to improving our sustainability credentials.

Please see Our Allergen Statement for more information.